how much protein in 1 banana

The amount Protein is in One Banana?
Bananas are frequently celebrated for their benefit and dietary benefit, particularly as a wellspring of sugars and potassium. Notwithstanding, many individuals might ponder their protein content.

how much protein in 1 banana
Image source:gettyimeges

Protein Content in a Banana

By and large, a medium-sized banana (around 7 to 8 inches long) contains roughly 1.3 grams of protein. This sum might change marginally relying upon the size of the banana:

Little banana (6 inches): ~1.1 grams of protein
Medium banana (7-8 inches): ~1.3 grams of protein
Enormous banana (8-9 inches): ~1.5 grams of protein

Wholesome Profile

While bananas are not a critical wellspring of protein contrasted with different food varieties like meat, dairy, or vegetables, they truly do offer other fundamental supplements, including:

Carbs: Fundamentally as regular sugars and dietary fiber.
Nutrients and Minerals: Plentiful in L-ascorbic acid, vitamin B6, and potassium, which are critical for generally speaking wellbeing.

Vitamin E

Significance of Protein

Protein is fundamental for building and fixing tissues, delivering catalysts and chemicals, and supporting generally speaking wellbeing. While bananas can add to your day to day protein consumption, they ought to be important for a reasonable eating routine that incorporates an assortment of protein sources.

What is 100 grams of banana?

A 100-gram serving of banana ordinarily incorporates around 89 calories, fundamentally from starches, with around 1.1 grams of protein and 0.3 grams of fat. This serving additionally gives fundamental supplements like potassium, L-ascorbic acid, and dietary fiber. A banana in this amount is an


In outline, a banana offers an unobtrusive measure of protein, roughly 1.3 grams for a medium-sized natural product. While it’s anything but an essential wellspring of protein, its nourishing advantages and comfort make it a phenomenal expansion to a solid eating routine. For those hoping to help their protein consumption, consider matching bananas with higher-protein food sources, similar to yogurt or nut margarine, to make a more adjusted nibble.


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